Plan states

There are two states of plans: active and working. At the same time, at most one plan can be active and one plan can be working. Other plans do not have a special state. The paths to the active and working plans are set in a file plan_paths.yaml in the plan output folder.

Initially, active and working are unset.

The active plan is used as input for the rolling wave planner. After running the planning (initial or rolling wave), the active plan is set to the plan of the last level, e.g. active could be 2016-10-12-1-initial/Level_7. The output command uses the active plan too.

The working plan is set by tutor-planner state. You can create a working copy of the active plan. For example, working could be 2016-10-12-2-manual-updates (note that manual updates don’t have levels). After doing manual updates, you can activate the working plan, so that the current working plan is now set as active and working is unset again. See Manual updates for details.

Of course, you can also edit active and working by hand, but it should not be necessary if you are working linearly.

Show state

tutor-planner state show

Shows the current active and working plans. Also shows the number of manual changes on the working plan.

Create a working copy

tutor-planner state init-working

The working copy is saved in a new plan folder with label manual-updates (see Generated plans). The pickle files are copied from the active plan.

Activate working plan

tutor-planner state activate-working

The active plan is set to the working plan and the working plan is unset.

Activate parent plan

tutor-planner state activate-parent

The active plan is set to the parent plan. The parent plan of a plan created by manual updates or rolling wave planning is the plan it was derived from.