Manual updates

See also

Module tutorplanner.update_plan

Often, you want to make manual changes on the generated plans without changing the code or the tutor availability. For doing this, you can use the update-plan command. The command is based on the concepts of Plan states.

The manual changes are logged to changes.log.

Task descriptions of the following commands should be in quotes. Spaces in tutor and room names should be replaced by underscores. The basic format is "TUTOR_NAME DATE HOUR ROOM_NAME", where TUTOR_NAME is the tutor’s last name and DATE is either YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD.

Make sure to activate the working plan before using rolling wave planning or generating output files (such as PDF).

Add a task

tutor-planner update-plan add NEW_TASK

Remove a task

tutor-planner update-plan remove OLD_TASK

The room name is optional.

Switch a task

tutor-planner update-plan switch OLD_TASK NEW_TASK

The old task is removed and the new task is added in a single operation. The room name of the old task is optional.

Undo the last change

tutor-planner update-plan undo