Generated plans

See also

Module tutorplanner.input.plan

The generated plans consist of three pickled files.

tutor’s last name → task type → day index → hour → bool (if the tutor has a task at the slot)
tutor’s last name → task type → day index → hour → room name or empty string
task type → day index → hour → number of tutors

personalPlans.pickle and plan.pickle can be generated from personalPlans_Rooms.pickle as it contains all data. In most cases, the latter fits best for reading.


The task type in personalPlans_Rooms.pickle is a bit redundant since it can be read from the settings. It could be removed in the future. Additionally, the other files could be removed, as well as the day index could be replaced by a

There is a folder that contains all output plans (settings.paths.plans). A subfolder is created in every planner run. The name of the subfolder is determined by using the date, an incremental number and a label (initial, rolling or manual-updates). For details see tutorplanner.input.plan.get_new_plan_folder().

In this folder, the generated plans are saved to several folders named as Level_1 up to Level_7 (initial planning) or Level_9 (rolling wave planning). Additionally, a happiness plot and a LP and a solution file are saved for each level.