Command line interface

All commands can be executed by using the tutor-planner script if you have installed the project using (via pip) as written here. Otherwise you have to run the command line interface by using python -m tutorplanner (this will run the __main__ module of the tutorplanner package).

You can show the help of the cli by running:

tutor-planner --help

It prints a list of commands, descriptions and arguments. You can also get the help of single commands and sub-commands, e.g.

tutor-planner planning --help

If not all arguments are given, the cli prints the help automatically.

List of commands

Command Description
check-plan check if a generated plan is consistent
check-tutor-responses check if tutor responses are valid
export-plan export plan to xlsx (see Creating a target plan)
find-available-tutors find available tutors at a given time
lsf-to-csv convert LSF files to CSV (see Room bookings from CSV and XLSX)
lsf-to-xlsx convert LSF and CSV files to XLSX (see Room bookings from CSV and XLSX)
output generate PDFs and other output formats (like HTML) of plans, tickets etc. (see Output plans and other stuff as PDF)
output-diff-of-plans output the difference of two plans
planning execute planning algorithm, either initial or rolling wave (see Planning)
room-info show room information like room type, number of seats, availability of a projector
show-working-tutors show the working tutors at a given time
state handle active and working plans
tutor-mail-addresses show the mail addresses of the tutors
tutorial-seat-overview overview of tutorial seats
update-plan update plan manually (see Manual updates)